Linda J. Ivey Ministries
Reverend Linda J. Ivey is passionate in serving the Lord and spreading the Holy Gospel. Read the endorsements for her below to learn about how she becomes a channel of blessing to others.
Reverend Ivey is my daughter in the ministry and her work is a reflection of my teachings.
– Reverend Doctor John L. Payne
Reverend Ivey is a mighty women of God and I was able to discern the anointing of God on her life long ago and it continues to grow stronger and stronger.
– Apostle Loretta Buckholtz
Thank you for allowing God to use you in a mighty way.
– Reverend Betsy Ivey
Thank you for being an awesome women of God and a blessing in my life.
– Reverend Willie McNeil
I thank God for your being a Godly vessel and I appreciate everything you have taught me in Sunday school. You have truly been a blessing in my life.
– Sister Mildred Hilton
You have been an inspiration to all women who are pursuing the things of God.
– Sister Dominique Jones
Please continue to walk with the Lord and allow Him to bring you into His Glory.
– Sister Tiffanie Ballou
Thank you for all you’ve done.
– Deaconess Delores Mayer
You have shown me how God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
– Deacon Charlie Jackson
You have been such a blessing with your words of encouragement and love for God’s people.
– Trustee V. Darlene Johnson
I’d need to be reminded that God loved me just as I was and you helped me to remember.
– Pearl Stevenson
Thank you for God’s always speaking God’s truth and wisdom.
– Minister Mildred Samuels
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