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Linda J. Ivey Ministries
Minister Regina Astheimer
Chapter Title: Women on the Move Ministries
Signature Scripture:
Philippians 4:13
“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me”
- Church Membership: Women of the Move Ministries, Inc.
- Minister Astheimer’s Background: Born and raised in Philadelphia then moved to Pottstown, PA with her husband’s career, with an anointing of spiritual gifts of discernment and prophecy and ministry focusing on community evangelism programs as the founder and CEO of “Women on the Move Ministries, Inc.” for over twenty years.
- Minister Astheimer’s Testimony: Throughout this entire journey, I am grateful for the privilege to serve God’s people and regardless of my circumstances, God revives me to face another day. I became a strong and powerful force serving God’s people: providing food for the seniors, conducting bible study and encouraging and demonstrating righteous living. Inside my church I was speaking in tongues, planning ministry activities and I even convinced my pastor to stop smoking. God gave me a wonderfully supportive help-mate who made it easy to serve others. My husband, Don, has been equally committed to ministry and has been incredibly helpful with coordinating ministry programs for the men in the community.
- Minister Astheimer’s Reflections: Women on the Move Ministries, Inc also participates in foreign ministry by winning souls for Christ in Uganda, East Central Africa. It’s an amazing and rewarding experience and I recommend every Christian participate in foreign ministry at least once in their lives. This foreign ministry is extremely rewarding, but also extremely grueling. The flight takes 16 hours costing each minister $3,500 for their round trip ticket. While modest food and lodging are provided, everyone is encouraged to bring supplies for the locals. The ministry team may include a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant, dentist or dental assistant along with clergy and lay volunteers. The services, which are provided for three to five day, occur in villages located in the hills and may take hours to reach either driving or walking based on road conditions. Ministry starts immediately when we arrive at the location and may include medical healing as well as spiritual healing. All volunteer services can last for hours at a time and are performed standing on dirt floors or in mud as transporting tables and chairs are an excessive luxury. Once finished for the day, volunteers go to sleep in tents with cots or sleeping bags. These ministry activities are repeated every day until we leave the village.
- Minister Astheimer’s Observations: I’ve raised children for the past twenty-five years and am grateful to God I haven’t had many serious problems. However, the children I work with at my school have issues of displaced anger and attitudes of unforgiveness. I’ve spoken to their parents who have the same spirits. They have generational curses only God can remove. As they try to explain their child’s behavior, they describe their children’s blood lines, both of their parents and both sides of their grandparents have suffered with uncontrolled anger, short attention spans, interrupted schooling, depression, unemployment and incarceration. We in ministry understand how generational curses are the results of parents continuing to make bad decisions that impact their family’s future lives.
- Minister Astheimer’s Challenges: Despite these successes, despite my familiarity in Pottstown, despite the requests for speaking engagements and to perform weddings. Christian women are still hurt and broken. The church has the answer that addresses low self-esteem and rejection; His name is Jesus. We have the ultimate example of true love, but we have to meet these damaged women at the point of their misery. We have to go out into their communities rather than waiting for them to come into our church houses.
- Minister Astheimer’s Most Significant Accomplishments: Women on the Move Ministries, Inc. has been winning souls for Christ through my community programs that feed over 300 people on a regular basis. I am well known in my community through this ministry. God has softened hearts and opened the flood gates. Business people support God’s work by donating goods and services for my summer camps as well as my programs for adults. Community members appreciate my business connections and have gotten jobs through my network of businesses.
- Minister Astheimer’s Vision for the Church: Ministry is still important because traditional interventions are valuable, but God is omnipotent.
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